Wednesday, February 22, 2012

People diagnosed with heart failure or lung ...

Pneumonia can be difficult to determine. Respiratory infection often mimic a cold or flu. Symptoms of pneumonia caused by a virus, for example, can last from several days to several weeks before you go to the doctor strattera without prescritpion. Furthermore, signs and symptoms can vary greatly, depending on initial conditions and the type of pathogen infection. The main symptoms of pneumonia are classified by the following. Bacterial pneumonia symptoms Most people who experience bacterial pneumonia get sick very quickly. However, other signs and symptoms depend on the type of bacteria that cause pneumonia and classified as either typical or atypical. Typical symptoms of pneumonia, this type of pneumonia usually comes on very quickly. However, chest pain associated with typical pneumonia may be a sign of other serious diseases. Symptoms typical of pneumonia are:

chest pain that is usually worse when breathing or coughing

SARS symptoms - symptoms of atypical pneumonia or walking pneumonia usually appear gradually. Unlike typical cases of pneumonia, you may not feel chest pain and body temperature is usually lower, while the fever is less likely. Older people may experience confusion or changes in mental abilities as a sign of pneumonia or other infections. Other symptoms include walking pneumonia:

Fungal symptoms of pneumonia, fungal pneumonia is rare in the United States. One of the characteristics of this type of pneumonia

constant fever, especially if the temperature does not respond to broad-spectrum antibiotics. However, it is important to note that fungal infection that causes pneumonia can affect many other body parts, including:

different types of harmful bacteria

cough, usually nonproductive

papules, pustules, plaques, ulcers, abscesses, or lesion on the skin

Viral pneumonia symptoms of infections caused by viruses usually develop more slowly, a few days of flu symptoms. They can cause or Barka Hacky cough, headache, pain in the sternum. Other symptoms of viral pneumonia are:

Complications of pneumonia that can occur depending on the overall health and the type and degree of pneumonia diagnosed. Complications can be life threatening because the organisms that cause pneumonia can suppress the immune system, even in healthy people. People diagnosed with heart failure or lung (including the elderly and smokers) are more likely to develop complications, some of which can be life threatening. Possible complications of pneumonia include:

acute respiratory distress syndrome (HRDS) - pneumonia includes most areas of the lungs, making breathing difficult and can deprive the body of oxygen. Infected blood - in some cases pneumonia infection can get into the bloodstream (bacteremia) or can quickly spread to other organs (sepsis). Lung abscess - a cavity containing pus (abscess) can form in areas affected by pneumonia. Pulmonary infections sometimes during pneumonia infection, secondary bacterial infection of the lungs after viral infection. In addition, fluid builds up between the cab thin, transparent membrane covering the lungs (pleura) and the inner surface of the chest wall and may become infected, causing pleurisy, or empyema. Secondary infection - vaginal infection or infection of the digestive system is possible with pneumonia due to antibiotic therapy. Infection caused by swelling covering the spinal cord (meningitis), infection caused by common bacteria spread through the blood (septic arthritis) and infection of the heart muscle or sac surrounding the heart (endocarditis and pericarditis) are also possible. Difficulty breathing - inflammation caused by pneumonia can fill the air sacs in the lungs and interfere with breathing. When to seek help Pneumonia can be life threatening. Seek medical help as soon as possible if you develop symptoms typical of pneumonia, mainly cough, shortness of breath, chest pain and unexplained fever accompanied by chills and sweating, or if you suddenly feel worse after a cold or flu. Elderly people, smokers, excessive lovers or anyone with a suppressed immune system should be particularly vigilant for the development of pneumonia symptoms. Call your doctor immediately if you develop:

difficult, small, rapid breathing with shortness of breath and wheezing >> << Also see a doctor if you develop classic symptoms of pneumonia such as dyspnea, cough, fever. Continue reading to learn more about how doctors use medical tests to diagnose bacterial and. .

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